revolutionizing work with the new microsoft planner

Revolutionizing Work with the New Microsoft Planner Banner 6

Revolutionizing Work with the New Microsoft Planner

Before a Project is officially approved and resourced, it typically starts with a Project Idea/ Work request/ an Initiative that might need documentation like Information about the idea, Business case, Sponsors etc. It might also require scoring/prioritizing and approvals from various Executives, Steering committee or your PMO.  

If you are managing this process manually you are not alone! Many organizations use email, face-to-face conversations, etc. to record ideas; however, with the Microsoft platform you can streamline the Ideation/ Business Case process and can automatically create a Project once approved.  

What will you learn?

In this webinar, we will demo the Marque360 solution for Project Intake built on the Microsoft Power Platform. This solution enables Project Intake, Scoring and creation of Projects in Microsoft Project Online and Project for the Web.  

  • Project Intake/Ideation Form  
  • Enabled with Workflow for approval  
  • Project Scoring based on Business Drivers  
  • Ability to view all Ideas/Business case for visibility 
  • Automation around creation of Project in Project Online or Project For the Web

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